Built by: Jim Garubba (plastimatic)
Fairfax, VA
The Li’l Hot Dogger is not so sleek and high-styled a show rod, but it’s lots of fun.
It shares the chassis and engine with the Li’l Stogie, with some creative decorative variations, like the rest of the Li’l series.
Built box stock. The “kennel kab” went together nicely, painted a bright banner red, with silver caging. The roof got some weathered gray barn-board style painting to give it more visual interest, and the front awning has matching tones. The shifter and radiator ornament are, of course, bone colored.
There was no good placement for the hydrant taillight, so I added a chrome pipe out the side of the chassis to mount it on.
And there’s Droopy Dog and his fancy chromed dish, looking happy to have a safe haven for the night.


Click on the image above to SUPERSIZE it!
