Koo Koo Kar

Built by: George Vretta in Sebring, Florida

I tried to make this kit as accurate to the box art as possible. The kit I had had a broken frame and a missing spoke on a front wheel. Fixing the front axle on the frame and fabricate one spoke on the front wheel was the first task.

Next I primed the frame and roof and shot Testors gold over them. After it dried I shot Testors Boyds Candy Tangerine over it. Most of the chrome pieces were sent off to chrome tech where they were replated perfectly.

The clock house was a muliti-piece assembly that was brown plastic initially. I dry brushed various shades of brown Testors enamels to replicate the wood finish.

The moose head and the bird were hand painted also. The most challenging part was to make the the air horns look real. They were flat on the ends so they had to be carefully opened up with a small die grinder bit then rechromed.

During final assembly the kit decals disintegrated when I put the first coupe in water. Luckily a friend does decals on his Alps printer and saved the day. The finished model took a little longer than I anticipated but it was worth the wait.

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